CentOS Gerrit 安装

CentOS Gerrit 安装


下载安装包,访问http://code.google.com/p/gerrit,本文下载的是gerrit-2.4.war 创建数据库

  1. # mysql -u root -p
  2. mysql> CREATE USER ‘gerrit2’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘gerrit2’;
  3. mysql> CREATE DATABASE reviewdb;
  4. mysql> ALTER DATABASE reviewdb charset=latin1;
  5. mysql> GRANT ALL ON reviewdb.* TO ‘gerrit2’@’localhost’;
  7. useradd gerrit
  8. wget https://gerrit-releases.storage.googleapis.com/gerrit-2.12.2.war


  1. # cp gerrit-2.12.2.war /home/gerrit
  2. # cd /home/gerrit
  3. # java -jar gerrit-2.12.2.war init -d review_site

2.安装过程一般直接回车即可,主要注意一下地方: 数据库(本文是用MySQL,默认

Using secure store: com.google.gerrit.server.securestore.DefaultSecureStore
[2016-05-26 06:28:52,777] [main] INFO  com.google.gerrit.server.config.GerritServerConfigProvider : No /home/gerrit/review_site/etc/gerrit.config; assuming defaults*** Gerrit Code Review 2.12.2

Create ‘/home/gerrit/review_site’ [Y/n]? y

*** Git Repositories

Location of Git repositories   [git]:

*** SQL Database

Database server type           [h2]: mysql

Gerrit Code Review is not shipped with MySQL Connector/J 5.1.21
**  This library is required for your configuration. **
Download and install it now [Y/n]?
Downloading http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.21/mysql-connector-java-5.1.21.jar … OK
Checksum mysql-connector-java-5.1.21.jar OK
Server hostname                [localhost]:
Server port                    [(mysql default)]:
Database name                  [reviewdb]:
Database username              [gerrit]: gerrit2
gerrit2’s password             :
confirm password :

*** Index

Type                           [LUCENE/?]:

*** User Authentication

Authentication method          [OPENID/?]: http
Get username from custom HTTP header [y/N]?
SSO logout URL                 :
Enable signed push support     [y/N]?

*** Review Labels

Install Verified label         [y/N]?

*** Email Delivery

SMTP server hostname           [localhost]:
SMTP server port               [(default)]:
SMTP encryption                [NONE/?]:
SMTP username                  :

*** Container Process

Run as                         [gerrit]:
Java runtime                   [/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-]:
Copy gerrit-2.12.2.war to review_site/bin/gerrit.war [Y/n]?
Copying gerrit-2.12.2.war to review_site/bin/gerrit.war

*** SSH Daemon

Listen on address              [*]:
Listen on port                 [29418]:

Gerrit Code Review is not shipped with Bouncy Castle Crypto SSL v152
If available, Gerrit can take advantage of features
in the library, but will also function without it.
Download and install it now [Y/n]?
Downloading http://www.bouncycastle.org/download/bcpkix-jdk15on-152.jar … Failed to clean up lib: review_site/lib/bcpkix-jdk15on-152.jar
!! FAIL !!

error: http://www.bouncycastle.org/download/bcpkix-jdk15on-152.jar: 302 Found
Please download:


and save as:


Press enter to continue
Continue without this library  [Y/n]?
Generating SSH host key … rsa(simple)… done

*** HTTP Daemon

Behind reverse proxy           [y/N]? y
Proxy uses SSL (https://)      [y/N]?
Subdirectory on proxy server   [/]:
Listen on address              [*]:
Listen on port                 [8081]:
Canonical URL                  [http://localhost/]:

*** Plugins

Installing plugins.
Install plugin singleusergroup version v2.12.2 [y/N]?
Install plugin commit-message-length-validator version v2.12.2 [y/N]?
Install plugin reviewnotes version v2.12.2 [y/N]?
Install plugin replication version v2.12.2 [y/N]?
Install plugin download-commands version v2.12.2 [y/N]?
Initializing plugins.
No plugins found with init steps.

Initialized /home/gerrit/review_site
Executing /home/gerrit/review_site/bin/gerrit.sh start
Starting Gerrit Code Review: OK
Waiting for server on localhost:80 … OK
Opening http://localhost/#/admin/projects/ …FAILED
Open Gerrit with a JavaScript capable browser:

修改 gerrit.config 的参数  以nginx 做代理;

cat /home/gerrit/review_site/etc/gerrit.config

  1. [gerrit]
  2. basePath = git
  3. canonicalWebUrl = http://zabbix.world-alive.xyz/gerrit/
  4. [database]
  5. type = mysql
  6. hostname = localhost
  7. database = reviewdb
  8. username = gerrit2
  9. [index]
  10. type = LUCENE
  11. [auth]
  12. type = HTTP
  13. [receive]
  14. enableSignedPush = false
  15. [sendemail]
  16. smtpServer = localhost
  17. [container]
  18. user = gerrit
  19. javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
  20. [sshd]
  21. listenAddress = *:29418
  22. [httpd]
  23. listenUrl = proxy-http://*:8081/gerrit/
  24. [cache]
  25. directory = cache
[gerrit@monitoring ~]$ /home/gerrit/review_site/bin/gerrit.sh restart
Stopping Gerrit Code Review: OK
Starting Gerrit Code Review: OK


  1. mkdir  /usr/local/nginx/passwd/
  2. htpasswd -c /usr/local/nginx/passwd/gerrit2.passwd gerrit2

Nginx  配置文件  添加

  1. location /gerrit/ {
  2. proxy_pass;
  3. proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
  4. proxy_set_header Host $host;
  5. auth_basic “Gerrit Code Review”;
  6. auth_basic_user_file /usr/local/nginx/passwd/gerrit2.passwd;
  7. }

重载 nginx