在debian下,你可以使用dpkg(Debian package system)来安装和卸载软件包,安装/卸载软件的最简单办法就是使用dpkg。 现在,debian还支持一个名为apt(for “A Package Tool”)和aptitude的工具,来帮助管理员更加简单的来管理软件。详细内容可以参考另一篇文章:如何使用apt-get和aptitude来管理软件。 1.使用dpkg -i安装d...
1 安装 docker apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - add-apt-repository "deb [ar...
Zabbix Agent is required to install on all remote systems needs to monitor through Zabbix server. The Zabbix Agent collects resource utilization and applications data on the client system and provides...
更新ubuntu软件源 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update apt-get install nodejs n...
最近打算用Python3写一个签名验证工具,安装pyOpenSSL时需要用到本机的libssl-dev库,进一步在Ubuntu上尝试安装库时出错,如下: ygu@guyongqiangx:~$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state in...
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade php $php -v PHP 7.1.15-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+2 (cli) (built: Mar 6 2018 11:10:13) ( NTS ) Copyright (...
我试图安装sendmail在Ubuntu 16 中,但在尝试生成ssl证书时挂起了无法继续下去。我取消了安装过程,后来杀死了正在锁定任何新软件包的进程; 这个时候我甚至无法安装其他软件 安装时提示 sudo dpkg --configure -a CLI Information sudo dpkg --configure -a Setting up sendmail-bin (8.15.2-3) ...
If you are looking for the netstat command and getting error: bash: netstat: command not found This simply means that the relevant package net-tools which includes netstat executable is ...
系统环境:Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l Or Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l 解决思路: 查看jpeg支持软件包 dpkg --list | grep libjpeg-dev dpkg --list | grep libfreetype6-dev 如果不存在安装它们 apt-get install libjpeg-dev libfre...
Ubuntu16 升级内核手动下载官方deb包 Or 编译 URL:http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.9.5/linux-headers-4.9.5-040905_4.9.5-040905.201701200532_all.deb w...