If you are looking for the netstat command and getting error: bash: netstat: command not found This simply means that the relevant package net-tools which includes netstat executable is ...
系统环境:Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l Or Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l 解决思路: 查看jpeg支持软件包 dpkg --list | grep libjpeg-dev dpkg --list | grep libfreetype6-dev 如果不存在安装它们 apt-get install libjpeg-dev libfre...
防火墙配置是基本的服务器防护措施 创建一个基本的防火墙文件(开放部分端口80-http、443-https、20/21-ftp、22-ssh、ping等) cat /etc/iptables.basic.rule *filter # Allows all loopback (lo0) traffic and drop all traffic to 127/8 that doesn't us...
Debian provides MySQL server 5.5 with both wheezy and jessie but the latest GA (Generally Available) releases are 5.6 and 5.7 with some enhancements and added features, including support for InnoDB Fu...
更改系统语言设置 dpkg-reconfigure locales 更改软件开机自启动设置 sysv-rc-conf apt-get install sysv-rc-conf 设置开机自动启动 systemctl enable nginx.service 停止开机自动启动 systemctl disable nginx.service 解决debian 终端命令行无法自动补全 1).安装命令补全:...
MongoDB (named from “huMONGOus“) is a full flexible index support and rich queries database. Its is a NoSQL database. MongoDB provides large media storage with GridFS. MongoDB 3.2 introduces new stora...
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer OR sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-ins...
1. 添加 Java 8 PPA源 编辑一个新的ppa文件: $ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Java-8-debian.list 往文件中添加以下内容: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu trusty main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/webup...
1.dpkg包管理工具 dpkg --info "软件包名" --列出软件包解包后的包名称. dpkg -l --列出当前系统中所有的包.可以和参数less一起使用在分屏查看. dpkg -l |grep -i "软件包名" --查看系统中与"软件包名"相关联的包. dpkg -s 查询已安装的包的详细信息. dpkg -L 查询系统中已安装的软件包所安装的位置. dpkg -S 查询系统中某个文...
默认Debain7 安装的是 php5.4 , 版本相对有点低了 ; deb http://debian.mirrors.ovh.net/debian/ wheezy main deb-src http://debian.mirrors.ovh.net/debian/ wheezy main deb http://packages.dotdeb.org wheezy all deb-src htt...