实时同步 Lsyncd

实时同步 Lsyncd


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lsyncd


yum -y update
yum -y install lsyncd

Running these commands will install Lsyncd as well as include some examples within the following directory /usr/share/doc/lsyncd/examples. These examples can be used to help get a better idea of the configuration possibles when using this synchronization method.
Setting up lsyncd over SSH with KeyCDN

Before getting started, you must first ensure that you have uploaded your public SSH key to the KeyCDN dashboard and added your private key on your system using ssh-add /path/to/your/private.key. If you do not yet have an SSH key pair, see our article on How to: Create SSH Key.

Once you have properly set up your SSH keys you can begin configuring your environment. To do this you must create lsyncd.log and lsyncd-status.log files in these respective directories




Once this is complete, you can then begin to set up your configuration file. There is no default configuration file, however you can create one in your /etc/lsyncd/lsyncd.conf.lua directory on your local machine and add the following information.

vim  /etc/lsyncd/lsyncd.conf.lua

settings {

   — 日志文件存放位置
    logfile = "/var/log/lsyncd/lsyncd.log",
   — 监控目录状态文件的存放位置
    statusFile = "/var/log/lsyncd/lsyncd-status.log",
    — 指定要监控的事件,如,CloseWrite,Modify,CloseWrite or Modify
    inotifyMode = “CloseWrite or Modify”,
   — 指定同步时进程的最大个数
    maxProcesses = 10,
    — 隔多少秒记录一次被监控目录的状态
    statusInterval = 10
    — false=启用守护模式
    nodaemon = false,
   — 当事件被命中累计多少次后才进行一次同步(即使间隔低于statusInterval)
    — maxDelays = 20

— 将 本地/home/temp/ 推送到  目录
sync {
    — lsyncd运行模式
    — default.direct=本地目录间同步
    — default.rsync=使用rsync
    — default.rsyncssh=使用rsync的ssh模式
    — 同步的源目录
    — 同步的目标目录
    target="[email protected]:/var/log/nginx/",
    — 是否同步删除 true=同步删除 false=增量备份
    delete = false,
    — 忽略文件路径规则,可用table也可用外部配置文件
    — excludeFrom = "/etc/lsyncd_exclude.lst",
    exclude = {
    — 排除同步文件
    exclude = { ".*" },
    — 等待rsync同步延时时间(秒)
    delay = 5,
    — init=false则只同步lsyncd启动后变更,不设置则lsyncd启动后进行全量的同步
    –init = True,

    rsync = {
        archive = false,
        acls = false,
        chmod = "D2755,F644",
        compress = true,
        links = false,
        owner = false,
        perms = false,
        verbose = true,
        rsh = "/usr/bin/ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

通过 Rsync 配置的范本
    rsync  = {
        — 单位kb
        binary = "/usr/bin/rsync",
        archive = true,
        compress = true,
        verbose = true,
           perms = true,
           — rsync的用户密码,不是Linux系统的用户密码
        password_file = "/etc/lsyncd/rsync.passwd"


service  lsyncd  restart

